International Women’s Day: Choose To Challenge


International Womens Day 2021 logo

International Women's Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. 这一天也标志着呼吁采取行动加速性别平等.

The theme for International Women's Day 2021 is 'Choose To Challenge'. A challenged world is an alert world. And from challenge comes change.

十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金来说,重要的是提高与十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金一起工作的女性的形象,鼓励更多的女性考虑在十大网络彩票平台大全能源和能源领域担任角色, waste, and recycling industry. 十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金正努力与十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金的伙伴组织合作,吸引更多的女性与十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金一起工作.

十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金的目标是通过增加女性在十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金员工队伍中的代表性来加强十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金对多元化的承诺, especially in Operations. 从2015年的7%,到2022年,十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金的目标是让女性员工比例达到30%. 十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金很自豪地支持3月8日的国际妇女节,庆祝在十大网络彩票平台大全能源工作的女性及其成就.

Read their amazing stories.

Holly Roberts, Interim Senior Site Supervisor

Holly Roberts于2020年加入十大网络彩票平台大全能源,担任Weighbridge主管,最近被提升为伊斯灵顿Hornsey Street工厂的临时高级现场主管. Holly负责监控繁忙站点的地磅管理系统,并确保数据的顺利报告. 她还支持站点经理实施新的操作流程.

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?


What attracted you to a career in the waste and recycling industry?


What do you like about working at LondonEnergy?

That I have had the chance to progress in my career. I have already received training to learn more about waste, recycling, energy, operations and leadership.


Do something that you enjoy and be determined to reach your goals.

Is there a woman who has inspired you, and why?

My mum is my inspiration. 她很固执、有决心,凡是她下定决心要做的事,她都做到了. 在我和我哥哥还小的时候,我妈妈做了三份工作,拿到了硕士学位. She is brave, strong, and caring. If I become half the person, she is I will be proud of myself.

Gemanita Evans, Site Operative

Gemanita Evans joined LondonEnergy in 2020 as a Site Operative. 对于杰曼塔来说,成为卡姆登里吉斯路回收中心唯一的女性工作人员并不是什么问题.

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

国际妇女节是向全世界女性致敬的重要节日, how special we are and how important we are to society. 我还认为,这是女性反思自己、加强与其他女性联系的时刻.

How did you start your career in the waste and recycling industry?

我在一个帮助妇女找工作的组织注册了. They put me forward for the site operative role.

What is your day-to-day role? 

My role as a site operative is rewarding. I meet so many customers every day, 向客户提供有关废物和如何最佳回收的信息. 十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金建议他们使用正确的垃圾桶,以减少污染. I feel proud of my role.

What do you like about working at LondonEnergy?

I love the people I work with and my role in recycling. 在LEL有很多机会接受培训和了解更多的行业.  LondonEnergy is family-oriented and cares about its employees.

What challenges, if any, have you experienced as a woman at work?

I have not come across any challenges at work. However, I have experienced comments from residents visiting the site, 他们认为作为一个女人,我不能帮他们提沉重的行李.


Apply if you see a role you like. 回收行业令人兴奋,在保护环境方面发挥着重要作用.

Tell us about a woman who has inspired you, and why?

My mother inspired me; she was beautiful, loving with a no-nonsense attitude. She always supported me in whatever I did, 直到她去世后,我才知道她对我是多么的鼓舞人心. I get inspired every time I think of her.

Sheena Alexander, Assistant Transport Manager

Sheena, our Assistant Transport Manager, 自2019年以来一直在十大网络彩票平台大全能源公司工作,并在运输行业工作了五年.

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

国际妇女节很重要,因为现在越来越多的女性在过去被认为是“男性主导的行业”工作. This day now celebrates this, 而且让女性在物流和废品行业工作感觉更正常. 我很幸运能在一个庆祝这一天并积极让女性分享她们的故事的组织工作.

How did you start a career in Logistics?

我的职业生涯是从人力资源开始的,在一家小型脚手架公司工作,主要负责照顾HGV. I quickly learned about transport legislation, legal transport operations, and realised how much I enjoyed it. I then went on to gain my Manager CPC in 2018. I thoroughly enjoy how fast-paced transport can be. 然后,我在大型废物管理公司担任各种运输管理职务.

What do you get up to in your day-to-day role? 

我的职责包括支持十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金的运输主管和计划人员,以确保十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金有效地利用十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金的司机/车辆来完成生产计划的每日吨位. I also manage the drivers, deal with defects and breakdown, and ensure we comply with transport legislation.


Go for it. 我建议大家在学习开车之前,先研究和了解一下HGV和交通法规. 许多人没有意识到有多少东西要学,以及随之而来的所有规则/规定.

Tell us about a woman who has inspired you, and why?

All the women in our transport team! 凯蒂·布罗斯,阿曼达·坎普和十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金的HGV司机学徒乔维塔在他们所做的事情上非常出色. 十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金是一个很好的团队,十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金没有因为十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金是女性而受到任何不同的对待.